‘The things I make can be separated into two types – the constructions made from salvaged wood and pieces that also feature found and collected objects – cigarette cards, shells, coins, dolls, clock mechanisms, old photos and precariously placed magnifying glasses… the pieces tell a story and the key to the story is with the viewer’.
Lesley Hilling is an English self taught artist working solely with recycled materials. She trained and worked for many years as a graphic designer, during this time she became interested in a more art based practise and began to make box constructions heavily influenced by the work of Joseph Cornell and Louise Nevelson. These grew into large wall pieces and human size towers and eventually the art took over from the graphic design.
‘Lesley’s work conveys a powerful sense of longing to preserve the fragments of the past, a desire for order, a passionate and mysterious evocation of lost moments.’ – Jane England
Lesley has lived in Brixton, south London with her partner Nel for over forty years. They have two dogs, an allotment and are active members of Brixton Housing Co-op.